Today, an odd craving overcame me. Fish.
It being Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent season, and all… it seems fitting. But seeing as I have no religious affiliation, it was an odd craving.
I call them college-student-hunger-pains. Very similar to pregnant-woman-hunger-pains. Maybe subconsciously I know midterms are coming up so I should eat some “brain food” like my Dad always has called it.
That, or it is a devilishly clever marketing plan.
I was downloading grocery coupons (I know what you’re thinking, and yes I am one of those people) I was accosted by tons of ads for “DOUBLE COUPONS: FISH FOR LENT!”
Well, I caved and bought two fillets of some gorgeous pink salmon for me and my roommate to delight in this evening.
I was raised on salmon and brie, a weird combination but a bite of heaven nonetheless. My grandpa cooks the salmon in a small hickory smoker on the back deck in a metal homemade smoker.
He then piles the crumbled, salty white fish on top of a healthy slice of gooey, buttery, all together perfectly creamy brie and club cracker.
The combination is the perfect amuse-bouche.
Now, my salmon dinner won’t be any thing of this caliber…but there’s still something to be said for a good piece of fish broiled to perfection with a bit of lemon zest.
I’m drooling
Photo: Papa J, in the flesh.